Polymount are pleased to announce that yet another Polymount Plate Cleaner has been installed.
We are proud to announce that this Plate Cleaner installation marks the 1031st installation worldwide. The Plate Cleaner has been installed at Flexergis in Poland.
Flexergis are an important Polish supplier of flexible packaging. They recognized the advantages of the Plate Cleaner and decided to replace their old Polymount Plate Cleaner with the new, faster and improved Plate Cleaner 3.0.
Flexergis Managing Director, Mr Milosz Zygmunt, gave the following statement on why they have replaced their old Plate Cleaner;
"The main reasons for purchasing the Plate Cleaner again from Polymount was because of the good experiences with the high reliability, performance and the cleaning results of the machine“,
We wish Flexergis continued success and want to thank them for their commitment.