On the left side in the picture you see a pile of waste which many printers still see everyday after every 8 color print job. On the right, you see the waste created when using self adhesive sleeves, a piece of cloth not even worth €1!!
Tape is single use product which is non recyclable and adds an unlimted waste curve to your production process. In todays economy we are pushed and encouraged everyday to recycle and reuse as much as we can, so why not do this during your printing process. With the Polymount Self Adhesive Sleeve you do not need tape to mount printing plates and can be reused for more than 10 years! Imagine the amount of tape and money saved in 10 years!
One way or another we all must contribute to a circular (Flexo) economy, are you preparing yourself for a no waste future? Or are you sticking to old habits?
Be Sustainable, be Self-Adhesive!